
Newsletter F4E - Barcelona - editia Martie 2012 (Vezi link)

Din cuprins:
European Parliament and Council agree on additional ITER funding of 1.3 billion EUR
"Helios" supercomputer excels in acceptance tests and gets ready to perform complex plasma calculations
2010 F4E Annual Report published

F4E - Plan de lucru 2012
E - Licitatii prevazute a se desfasura pana la 30.06.2012

Apeluri F4E:

Apel deschis
Title: Gas and Vacuum Plant
Reference: F4E-OPE-279
Deadline: 25/05/2012
Contract Type: Operational Procurement
Procedure Type: Open procedure
Stage of Procedure: Call for interest and call for tender
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Activities of Support of the Conceptual and Preliminary Design of the European Test Blanket Systems
Reference: F4E-FPA-380
Deadline: 18/05/2012
Contract Type: Grant
Procedure Type: Call for proposal
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Manufacturing of the Pre-Production Cryopump
Reference: F4E-OPE-387
Deadline: 15/05/2012
Contract Type: Operational Procurement
Procedure Type: Open procedure
Stage of Procedure: Call for interest and call for tender
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Plasma Position Reflectometer
Reference: F4E-FPA-375
Deadline: 13/03/2012
Type: Grant
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Radial Neutron Camera and Radial Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
Reference: F4E-FPA-327
Deadline: 12/03/2012
Type: Grant
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Engineering Support in the area of Test Blanket Module (TBM) Systems Design and Technological Demonstration
Reference: F4E-OMF-331
Deadline: 05/03/2012
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Framework Partnership Agreement for Diagnostic Pressure Gauges
Reference: F4E-FPA-364
Deadline: 02/03/2012
Type: Grant
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Calculation of the TBM-induced ripple in ITER, impact on plasma, wall loads and optimization
Reference: F4E-GRT-379
Deadline: 10/02/2012
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Assessment of re-welding of 316L pipe samples
Reference: F4E-GRT-370
Deadline: 08/02/2012
Contract Type: Operational Procurement
Link web:

Title: Tokamak Services for Diagnostics
Reference: F4E-FPA-328
Deadline: 11/10/2011
Procurement Package: 55 - DIAGNOSTICS
Comments: Call for Proposals for the Framework Partnership Agreement ref F4E-FPA-328 (PMS-DG) tokamak Services for Diagnostics
Link web:

Title: In-pile creep relaxation and post-irradiation thermal creep testing
Reference: F4E-GRT-291
Deadline: 15/09/2011
Link web:

Call for Proposals
Title: Study of EC assisted Plasma Startup in ITER
Reference: F4E-GRT-346
Deadline: 09/09/2011
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Engineering Support in the area of Remote Handling
Reference: F4E-OMF-272
Deadline: 27/06/2011
Contract Type: Operational Procurement
Link web:

Apel deschis
Title: Model validation of 3D MHD code and construction of ITER model for simulation of asymmetric VDEs and associated electro-magnetic load
Reference: F4E-GRT-334
Deadline: 09/06/2011
Link web:

Scrisoare de interes privind experti pentru Comitetul Executiv F4E - termen limita 17 iunie 2011
Detalii gasiti aici
Link web:

Call for Proposals:
Title: Evaluation of edge MHD stability and uncontrolled ELM energy losses for ITER H-mode plasmas in non-active, DD and DT operational scenarios
Reference: F4E-GRT-265
Deadline: 06/05/2011
Link web:

Documente raportare 2011 actualizate conform legislatiei in vigoare

Model deviz postcalcul
Model Fisa de evidenta a cheltuielilor
Model Fisa de evidenta analitica postcalcul
Model raport anual de activitate
Model raport final de activitate

Alte informatii:

F4E Summer Studentships 2012

Termenul limita pentru aplicatii este 20 aprilie 2012, ora 12.00 PM. Mai multe informatii puteti gasi accesand site-ul F4E