Institute of Atomic Physics
Fusion Research Unit of the EURATOM/MEdC Association


2005 Annual Report of the
EURATOM-MEdC Association

Executive Summary

  • Interpretation and control of helical perturbatuins in tokamaks
  • Statistical physiscs for abomalous transport in plasmas
  • The anomalous transport in turbulent plasmas
  • Simulation of the VUV spectra from the reversed fiels pinch EXTRAP T2R plasma. Z-EFF discrepancy analysis on the JET plasma
  • Tokamak neutron diagnostics based on the superheated fluid detector (SHFD)
  • Sheath properties and related phenomena of the plasma wall interaction in magnetised plasmas. Application to ITER.
  • Upgrade of gamma-ray cameras - neutron attenuators
  • Participation in the exploitation of the JET Facilities
    • Current and Pressure Profiles Reconstruction on JET by using magnetic data and data resulting from the Motional Stark Effect (MSE) measurements as constraints

    Physics Integration
  • Irradiation effects in ceramics for heating and current drive, and diagnostics systems
    • A. UV-visible spectral behaviour of sapphire optical fibres under gamma-ray and neutron radiation.
      B. Investigations on the gamma-ray and electron beam radiation effects on semiconductor optical detectors for sensing and optical comunication applications
    Magnetic structure and integration
  • Development of chemical deposition methods for the fabrication of YBCO high temperature superconducting coated conductors for high-field applications
    • Processing of long length CeO2 buffered Ni-5at.%W and Ni-5at.%W-5at.%Cr tapes for the high temperature superconducting tape fabrication.

    Tritium Breeding and Materials
    Materials Development
  • NUCLEAR DATA: EFF/EAF data file upgrade, processing and benchmark analyses
    • Calculation of cross sections for Ta and Hf up to 50 MeV
  • ADVANCED MATERIALS: SiC/SiC Ceramic Composites
    • Measurement of the electrical resistivity from RT to 1000 of unirradiated 2D and 3D SiC/SiC composites
    IFMIF, Test Facilities
      X-ray microtomography for HFTM capsules and rigs: (i) Influence of the sample radioactivity on the tomographic reconstruction quality and practical procedures to mitigate its effects. (ii) Experimental determination of resolution limits of specimens, capsules and rig assemblies
    IFMIF, Design Integration
      a) Deuteron-induced activated cross-section evaluation for the Fe isotopes by means of optical model potential analysis. b) Deuteron-induced activation cross-section evaluation for accelerator materials (Cu, Al, Nb and others but excluding the already studied corrosion products of the Li-target)
      Development of a silver free induction brazing alloy
      Production of nanocrystalline braze alloy by splat melting and annealing for range of appropiate compositions. The braze alloy will also be characterised.
    Fuel Cycle
      Development of ITER PRM and standard parts catalogues in CATIA V5 for tritium-containing systems and components
      Development of 2-D and 3-D symbols for WDS components.
    Physics Integration
  • Irradiation effects in ceramics for heating and current drive, and diagnostics systems
    • Ionizing and neutron-irradiation effects on optoelectronic components (semiconductor lasers and embedded detector).
      Report on displacement and ionising radiation effects in KU-1 and KS-4V using high-energy proton irradiation.
      In-situ thermal annealing and photobleaching of gamma and neutron irradiated aluminium jacketed silica optical fibres
      Studies on radiation induced absorption of selected alternative radiation resistant glasses following displacement damage
    2005 JET Work Programme
    Plasma Facing components
  • Fusion Technology at JET
    • Assesment of detritiation with Ar plasma torch

    ITER-like Wall Project
  • R&D on W coating on CFC and bulk W tiles development in support of the ITER-like Wall Project (BEW)
    • Development of W-coating technologies for CFC tiles using CMSII and TVA methods.
  • Development of Beryllium coatings for inconel targets and Be marker tiles for the ITER-like Wall experiment project (ILW)
    • Manufacturing of optimized of Be/ heavy-metal/ Bulk-Be marker samples.
    Publications in scientific journals
    Contributions to conferences and workshops
    List of mobilities to the Euratom Associations
    Contact information



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