Institute of Atomic Physics
Fusion Research Unit of the EURATOM/MEdC Association


List of scientific comunications 2000 - 2006

1. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J. H. Misguich and R. Balescu, "Diffusion in disordered media: a new statistical approach", International Workshop on Chaotic Transport and Complexity, 26-30 June 2000, Carry-le-Rouet, France

2. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J. H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Trajectory trapping and anomalous transport", 8th European Fusion Physics Workshop, 13-15 December 2000, Leysin, Switzerland

3. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J. H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Electrostatic turbulence with finite parallel correlation length and radial electric field generation", 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, THP1/07, 4-10 October 2000, Sorrento, Italy

4. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J. H. Misguich, R. Balescu, D. Constantinescu, J. H. Misguich, J. D. Reuss, Gy. Steinbrecher, B. Weyssow, "Intermittency, subdiffusion, and noble I.T.B. Cantori for toroidal magnetic lines in Hamiltonian map", International Workshop on Chaotic Transport and Complexity, 26-30 June 2000, Carry-le-Rouet, France

5. R. Balescu, D. Constantinescu, J. H. Misguich, J. D. Reuss, Gy. Steinbrecher, B. Weyssow, "Dynamics of chaotic magnetic lines in a TOKAMAP model: Double I.T.B. on noble q-values surrounding a main rational", EU- USA T.T.F. Meeting on Transport Barriers, 4-7 September, Varena

6. R. Balescu, D. Constantinescu, J. H. Misguich, J. D. Reuss, Gy. Steinbrecher, B. Weyssow, "The Fluxes Through Cantori in some Hamiltonian Maps modeling magnetic lines' diffusion in Tokamak", European Congress on Intelligent Techniques- ECIT'2000, Iasi, 24-29 Sept. 2000

7. A.J.M. Plompen, P. Reimer, D.L. Smith, S.M. Qaim, A. Fessler, V. Avrigeanu and S. Sudar, "Measurement and Evaluation of activation cross sections", Workshop on Activation Data - EAF 2001, Cadarache 6-7 Nov. 2000

8. V. Avrigeanu and T. Glodariu, "Nuclei Far from Stability and Astrophysics", contribution to NATO Advanced Study Institute, 28 August - 8 September, 2000, Predeal, Romania

9. I. Tiseanu, "Micro-tomography for IFMIF", Technical Meeting on IFMIF Test Facility System, September 20, 2000, ENEA-Brasimone, Italy

10. C.V.Atanasiu, S.Günter, K.Lackner, A.Moraru, A.A.Subbotin, "Determination of the influence of the plasma triangularity on the tearing mode stability parameter &Delta' for the ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak", contribution to 28th EPS Fusion Conference, 18-22 June 2001, Funchal, Portugal

11. C.V.Atanasiu, S.Günter, K.Lackner, A.Moraru, A.A.Subbotin, I.G.Miron, "The influence of the plasma geometry on the tearing mode stability for the ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak", contribution to 11th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, 06-08 September 2001, Constanta, Romania

12. C.V.Atanasiu, I.G.Miron, "Vacuum field calculations in a toroidally diverted plasma configuration", contribution to 11th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, 06-08 September 2001, Constanta, Romania

13. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Diffusion dans des milieux desordonnee", "Rencontres de non-lineaire", 15-16 March 2001, Paris, France, oral presentation, in Rencontre du Non Lineaire, Editors Y. Pomeau and R. Ribotta, (2001) Non Lineaire Publications, Orsey, Paris (ISBN 2-9516773-0-8), 273-278

14. F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, "Aspects dynamiques de l'intermittence dans les systems dissipatifs", "Rencontres de non-lineaire", 15-16 March 2001, Paris, France, oral presentation, in Rencontre du Non Lineaire, Editors Y. Pomeau and R. Ribotta, (2001) Non Lineaire Publications, Orsey, Paris (ISBN 2-9516773-0-8), 237-242

15. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Analytic solution for a class of turbulence problems", STATPHYS 21, Cancun, Mexic, 16-21 July 2001, oral presentation

16. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Trapping in the structures of stochastic fields and diffusion", Workshop on Self-Organization, Transport and Mixing in Plasma and Fluid Turbulence", Marseille, 3-4 May 2001, invited paper

17. F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, "Turbulence and coherent structures", Workshop on Self-Organization, Transport and Mixing in Plasma and Fluid Turbulence", Marseille, 3-4 May 2001

18. F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, R. Balescu, "Turbulence self-modulation and poloidal asymmetry of the tokamak plasma fluxes", 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal, 18-22 June 2001

19. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Test particle studies of transport", Forum de Theorie: Self-Organization and Transport in Electromagnetic Turbulece, Aix-en-Provence, 2-20 July 2001

20. F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, "2-d MHD asymptotic states and topology", Forum de Theorie: Self-Organization and Transport in Electromagnetic Turbulece, Aix-en-Provence, 2-20 July 2001

21. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Effect of parallel motion on the radial diffusion in tokamak plasmas", 9th European Fusion Theory Conference, Elsinor, 17-19 October 2001 (first prise at poster session)

22. F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Local fluctuating non-ambipolarity of the particle fluxes", 9th European Fusion Theory Conference, Elsinor, 17-19 October 2001

23. J. H. Misguich, J. D. Reuss, R. Balescu, B. Weyssow, D. Constantinescu, G. Steinbrecher, M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, "Dynamics of chaotic magnetic lines and noble ITB's in the tokamap", 9th European Fusion Theory Conference, Elsinor, 17-19 October 2001, invited paper

24. D. Constantinescu, M. Negrea, I. Petrisor, "On the chaotic magnetic field lines' behavior in TOKAMAK", the Conference "Plasma 2001", Warsaw, 19-21 Sept 2001

25. Ioana Cristescu, I. Cristescu, R.D. Penzhorn, U. Tamm, "Model for the simulation of catalytic isotope exchange between tritiated water and hydrogen/deuterium", Jahrestagung Kemtechnik, Dresden, Germany 2001

26. I. Cristescu, U. Tamm, Ioana R. Cristescu, R.D. Penzhorn, C.J. Caldwell-Nichols, "Investigation of separation performances of various isotope exchange catalysts for the deuterium-hydrogen system", 6th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan 2001

27. Anisia Bornea, I. Cristescu, M. Zamfirache, Carmen Varlam, "Studies about the trasfer phenomena of tritium from liquid to gaseous phase; In a successive system catalyst and ordered", 6th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan 2001

28. Ioana Cristescu, I. Cristescu, R.D. Penzhorn, U. Tamm, "Model for the simulation of catalytic isotope exchange between tritiated water and hydrogen / deuterium", Jahrestagung Kemtechnih, pp 593-596, Inforum Verlag 2001, ISSN 0720-9207

29. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Transport in disordered media: anew statistical method", International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Paris, UNESCO, 22-27 July 2002

30. J. H. Misguich, J.-D. Reuss, D. Constantinescu, G. Steinbrecher, M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, B. Weyssow, R. Balescu, "Noble Cantor sets acting as partial internal transport barriers in fusion plasmas", International Conference on Theoretical Physics, Paris, UNESCO, 22-27 July 2002

31. M. Vlad, F. Spineanu, J.H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Nonlinear diffusion regimes in stochastic magnetic fields", 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon, 14-19 October 2002

32. F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, J. H. Misguich, R. Balescu, "Soliton modulation of the turbulence envelope and spontaneous plasma spin-up", IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Theory of Plasma Instabilities, Kloster Seeon, Germany, 9-12 April 2002

33. N. Pometescu and B. Weyssow, "About the conditions of suppression of turbulence effects on the poloidal fluxes in toroidal plasmas in the presence of RF heating", The Ninth European Fusion Theory Conference - 17-19 October 2001 Elsinore, Denmark

34. M. Avrigeanu, V. Avrigeanu, and T. Glodariu, "Report on EAF related tools", Workshop on Activation Data EAF 2003, Prague, 24-26 June 2002

35. V. Avrigeanu, A.J.M. Plompen, and H. Weigmann, "Fast-neutron total and capture cross sections of 58,60Ni and 59Co", IAEA/NDS Model Code Meeting, May 21-22, 2002, IRMM, Geel, Belgium.

36. M. Avrigeanu, A.J.M. Plompen, and W. von Oertzen, "Microscopic optical potential for low energy α-particles interacting with A~100 target nuclei", IAEA/NDS Model Code Meeting, May 21-22, 2002, IRMM, Geel, Belgium

37. Felicia Vasut, M. Zamfirache, Anisia Bornea, Claudia Pearsica, "Experimental study about hydrogen isotopes storage on titanium bed", 22nd Symposium on Fusion Technology, 9-13 September 2002

38. B. Constantinescu, C. Nicolescu, C. Teodorescu, F. Constantin, Roxana Bugoi, P. Ioan, Laura Radulescu, M. Dragusin, V. Moise, "Gamma and proton degradation studies in optical transmission materials", International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, San Diego, California, 7-12 April 2002

39. D. Sporea, "Virtual Instrumentation for Laser Products Certification", NCSL International 2002 Workshop and symposium, San Diego, August 4-8, 2002

40. D. Sporea, A. Florean, "Investigations on the Degradation of Visible Lasers Diodes under Gamma-Ray Irradiation", SOFT, Helsinki, September 9-13, 2002

41 D. Sporea, A. Florean, "Gamma-Ray radiation induced changes in Near-IR operating semiconductor laser diodes", RADECS 2002 Workshop - Radiation effects on components and systems, Padova, September 19-20, 2002

42. D. Sporea, A. Florean, "Evaluation of visible and Near-IR lasers diodes subjected to electron and gamma-ray irradiation", International semiconductor conference, Sinaia, October 8-12, 2002

43. D. Sporea, A. Florean, "Heterojunction laser diodes subjected to ionising radiation", ATOM02 Conference, Bucharest, November 21-23, 2002

44. Atanasiu C. V., Günter S., Lackner K., Miron I. G. "Analytical solutions to the Grad-Shafranov equation for diverted plasmas", 30th Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia, July. 2003

45. Atanasiu C. V., Günter S., Lackner K., Miron I. G. "Exact solutions to the Grad-Shafranov equation for toroidal plasmas", 12th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, Iassy, Romania, September, 2003

46. Spineanu F., Vlad M. "Coherent structures and soft non-integrability of plasma models", International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics : Complex Plasmas in the New Millenium, 8-12 September 2003, Santorini Island, Greece

47. Spineanu F., Vlad M., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I. "Vortical structures in stationary turbulence", 13th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Progress in Plasma Theory and Understanding of Fusion Plasmas, 9-12 December 2003, Toki, Japan, invited paper

48. Spineanu F., Vlad M., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I. "Exact periodic solution of the stationary Hasegawa-Mima equation", 13th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Progress in Plasma Theory and Understanding of Fusion Plasmas, 9-12 December 2003, Toki, Japan

49. Vlad M., Spineanu F. "Trajectory structures and anomalous transport", 13th International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics : Complex Plasmas in the New Millenium, 8-12 September 2003, Santorini Island, Greece, invited paper

50. Vlad M., Spineanu F., Misguich J. H., Balescu R., Itoh K., Itoh S.-I. "Turbulence spectrum and transport scaling", 13th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Progress in Plasma Theory and Understanding of Fusion Plasmas, 9-12 December 2003, Toki, Japan

51. Pometescu N., "Radial fluxes in a turbulent non-ohmic plasmas: an ion cyclotron resonance heating case", International Working Session of the B.F.R.Fusion Group, C.E.A.Cadaradche, France, November, 2003

52. Weyssow B., Steinbrecher G., "Generalized Randomly Amplified Linear System Driven by Gaussian Noise. Extreme Heavy Tail and Algebraic Correlation Decay in Plasma Turbulence", International Working Session of the B.F.R.Fusion Group, C.E.A.Cadaradche, France, November, 2003

53. Constantinescu D., "The study of the transport barrier evolution in some Hamiltonian models for the magnetic field lines dynamics in TOKAMAK", International Working Session of the B.F.R. Fusion Group, C.E.A. Cadarache, France, November 2003

54. Pometescu N., "Radial fluxes in a turbulent non-ohmic plasmas: an ion cyclotron resonance heating case", International Working Session of the B.F.R.Fusion Group, C.E.A.Cadaradche, France, November, 2003

55. Constantinescu D., "The study of the transport barrier evolution in some Hamiltonian models for the magnetic field lines dynamics in TOKAMAK", International Working Session of the B.F.R.Fusion Group, C.E.A.Cadaradche, France, November, 2003

56. Stancalie V. and Rachlew E., "Radiation from Hydrogen atoms as related to the modeling of the EXTRAP T2R plasma", 23rd International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, July, 2003

57. Corre Y. et al., "Radiated power and impurity concentrations in the EXTRAP T2R reversed-field pinch", 30th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersbourg, July, 2003, ECA. 27A, P-3.221

58. Sporea D., 4th Meeting of the ITPA Topical Group on Diagnostics" Padova, Italy, 2003

59. Sporea D., "Gamma-ray induced absorption in optical fibers used for plasma diagnostics", 2003 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Jeju, Korea, June, 2003

60. Avrigeanu V., "Report on EAF related tools", Workshop of the OECD-NEA WPEC Subgroup 19 on Activation Cross Sections, IRMM, Geel, Belgium, January, 2003.

61. Avrigeanu M., "Semi-microscopic optical potentials for applications", as above.

62. , Misawa M., Tiseanu I., Hirashima R., Koizumi K., Ikeda Y., "Oblique view cone-beam tomography for inspection of flat-shape objects", 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Nondestructive Testing (APCNDT), Jeju, Korea, November, 2003

63. Sporea D., Vata I., Dudu D. and Danis A., "Neutron degradation of UV enhanced optical fibers for fusion installations plasma diagnostics", 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Nondestructive Testing (ICFRM-11), Jeju, Korea, November, 2003

64. Sporea D., "UV radiation, gamma-ray and neutron irradiation effects on UV enhanced transmission optical fibers for plasma diagnostics", Report of the 13th IEA Workshop on Radiation Effects in Ceramic Insulators, December, Kyoto, 2003, , JAERI - Review 2004-004, March 2004

65. Vlad M., Spineanu F., "Impurity transport in turbulent plasmas", 31th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London, P5-184, 2004

66. Spineanu F., Vlad M., "Exact periodic solutions of the Liouville equation and the'snake' of density in JET", electronic preprint (2004); 31th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London, P5-184, 2004

67. Spineanu F., Vlad M., "Generation of coherent flow from the fluid's helicity via sphaleron transitions", 10th EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop, Varenna, 2004

68. Vlad M., Spineanu F., "Large Larmor radius effects in turbulent plasmas", 10th EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop, Varenna, 2004

69. Pometescu N., "Radial and poloidal particle and energy flux of the ions (majority species) in turbulent plasmas in the presence of the ICRH", International Working Session of the B.F.R.Fusion Group, University of Craiova, Romania, September 2004

70. Constantinescu D., Weyssow B., "Order and Chaos in some Hamiltonian Systems of interest in Plasma Physics", Conference Verhulst 2004, Ecole Militaire Royale, Bruxelles, September 16-18, 2004

71. Constantinescu D., Misguich J. H., Petrisor E., Pavlenko I., "Internal Transport Barriers in some Hamiltonian systems modeling the magnetic lines dynamics in tokamak", International Workshop on Chaotic Transport and Complexity in Fluids and Plasmas, Carry le Rouet, June 20-25, 2004

72. Stancalie V., Report presented at the ADAS project meeting, September 2004, Cadarache, France

73. Chelmus A. R. D., Stancalie V., "Radiative Gaunt factor", 17th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, 1-5 September 2004, Constanta, Romania

74. Stancalie V., Mihailescu A., "Complex Atoms Modeling for Plasma Diagnostics", 17th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, 1-5 September 2004, Constanta, Romania

75. Sporea D., "Effects of Gamma-Ray Irradiation on Quantum-Well Semiconductor Lasers", Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, Atlanta, July 21 - 23, 2004

76. Sporea Dan G., Constantin Oproiu, Sporea Radu A., "Degradation of heterojunction laser diodes under electron beam irradiation", Photonics North Conference 2004, Ottawa, September 21 - 24, 2004

77. Sporea D., "Effects of Gamma-Ray Irradiation on Quantum-Well Semiconductor Lasers", 7th Meeting of the ITPA TG on Diagnostics, Hefei, 11 - 14 October, 2004

78. Sporea D., Adelina Sporea, Constantinescu B., "Optical fibers for plasma diagnostics under gamma-ray and UV irradiation", Symposium on Fusion Technology, September 18 - 21, 2004, Venice

79. Sporea D., "Prospects for optical fibers below 400 nm", IEA Satellite Meeting, September 24, 2004, Venice

80. Brad S., Lazar A., Vijulie M., Gherghinescu S., "Toughness stand modification by the elimination of the cryostat used for cooling, design for the sample specific polystyrene foam like a thermal protection envelope", Cryogenics 2004, Praga

81. Brad S., Vijulie M., Gherghinescu S., Dragoiu C., Lazar A., "Helium in materials use in hydrogen cryogenic distillation", ICATE 2004, Craiova, ROMANIA

82. Avrigeanu V., EFFDOC-906, EFF/EAF Meeting, Paris, Nov. 24-26, 2004

83. Tiseanu I., Craciunescu T., Mandache N. B., "Non-destructive analysis of miniaturized samples and irradiation capsules by X-ray micro-tomography", 23rd Symposium on Fusion Technology, September 2004, Venice, Italy

84. Avrigeanu M., von Oertzen W., Fischer U., Avrigeanu V., Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Sept. 26- Oct. 1, 2004, Santa Fe, USA

85. Sporea D., Sporea R., "Set-up for the monitoring of optical fibers under gamma-ray irradiation", 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Imperial College, London, June 28 - July 2, 2004

86. Atanasiu C.V., Miron I.G., "An analytical model for resistive wall modes stabilization", 11th European Fusion Theory Conference, 26-28 September 2005, Aix-en-Provence, France

87. Atanasiu C.V., Miron I.G., "A model for resistive wall mode control", EPS30 (P5.157), Rome, Italy, 19-23 June, 2006

88. Atanasiu C.V., Miron I.G., Günter S., Lackner K., Moraru A., Zakharov L.E., Subbotin A.A., "MHD Modelling in Diverted Tokamak Configurations", 13th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, Iassy, Romania, 27-29 October 2005 (invited paper)

89. Atanasiu C.V., Miron I.G., "An Analytical Model to Control Resistive Wall Modes", 13th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, Iassy, Romania, 27-29 October 2005

90. Spineanu F., "Field theory model for stationary vortical flows in plasma and planetary atmosphere", Workshop on Dynamo Generation and Self-organization in Plasma & Fluid Turbulence, Kyushu University, Japan, February 2005

91. Spineanu F., Vlad M., "A background trend to ordered states in confined plasmas", 11th European Fusion Theory Conference, Aix en Provence, France, September 2005

92. Spineanu F., Vlad M., "Statistical properties of a turbulent plasma of vortices interacting with random waves", 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Taragona, Spain, June 2005, oral presentation O4-20

93. Vlad M., "Trajectory structures generated in 2d turbulence", Workshop on Dynamo Generation and Self-organization in Plasma & Fluid Turbulence, Kyushu University, Japan, February 2005

94. Vlad M., Spineanu F., "Trajectory structures in turbulent plasmas", 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Taragona, Spain, June 2005, P4-45

95. Vlad M., Spineanu F., "Test particles, test modes and self-consistent turbulence", 11th European Fusion Theory Conference, Aix en Provence, France, September 2005

96. Spineanu F., Vlad M., "Field theoretical models in fluids and plasmas", the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris-UNESCO, France, July 2005, oral presentation

97. Vlad M., Spineanu F., "From Brownian diffusion to the non-linear transport by continuous movements", the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris-UNESCO, France, July 2005, oral presentation

98. Weyssow B., Steinbrecher G., "Stochastic Modelling of Edge Plasma Turbulence", 11th European Fusion Theory Conference, 26-28 September 2005, Aix-en-Provence, France

99. Pometescu N., "Use of the drift kinetic equation to describe electromagnetic turbulent transport in the presence of radio frequency heating", 13th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, October 27-29, 2005 Iasi, Romania

100. Steinbrecher G., "Fractional Brownian Motion in the Edge Plasma Turbulence", 13th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, October 27-29, 2005 Iasi, Romania

101. Steinbrecher G., "Modelling Instabilities by Stochastic Differential Equations", Seminar, DRFC/GTTM, Cadarache, 14-15 September 2005

102. D. Constantinescu, B. Weyssov, "Order and Chaos in some Hamiltonian Systems of interest in Plasma Physics", Biannual Workshop on Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas , March 15-17 2005, Julich, Germany

103. E. Petrisor, D. Constantinescu, J. Misguich, "Destruction of invariant circles and transport barrier location in the dynamics of nontwist maps", 2005 SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems , May 2005, Snowbird, Utah, USA

104. D. Constantinescu, "Regular and chaotic dynamics in non-autonomous Hamiltonian syatems", The 4th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, August 2005, Varna, Bulgaria

105. Stancalie V., Pais V., Mihailescu A., Chelmus A.R.D., "Effective collision strengths for electron impact excitation in Al10+", 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 8th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets, Tarragona, 27th June - 1st July 2005

106. Mihailescu A., Stancalie V., Pais V., Chelmus A.R.D, "Atomic data for Zn-like W ion as related to the plasma modelling", 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 8th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets, Tarragona, 27th June - 1st July 2005

107. Pais, V., Stancalie, V., "Using Web Services for Remote Data Access and Distributed Applications", 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Budapest, Hungary, July 12 - 15, 2005

108. Celentano G., Galuzzi V., Mancini A., Rufoloni A., Vanozi A. Augieri A., Petrisor T., Ciontea L., Gambardella U., "YBCO coted conductors on highly textured Pd-buffered Ni-W tape", EUCAS'05, 7th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, 11-15 September, Vienna-Austria, Abstract Booklet (2005) 137

109. Avrigeanu V., Avrigeanu M., Roman F.L., Forrest R.A., Eichin R., Freiesleben H, Seidel K., "Sensitivity of activation cross sections of the Hafnium, Tantalum and Tungsten stable isotopes to nuclear reaction mechanisms", Workshop on Nuclear Data Needs for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, Antwerpen 5-7 April 2005, P. Rullhusen (Ed.), World Scientific, Singapore

110. Sporea D., "Reliability testing of laser diodes under irradiation", TEST 2005 Conference, Nurenberg, Germany, May 2005

111. Sporea D, Vata I., Sporea R., "Hetero-junction Laser Diodes under Neutron Irradiation", 13th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Beijing, China, May 2005

112. Sporea D., Sporea R., Oproiu C., Vata I., "Comparative study of gamma-ray, neutron and electron beam irradiated index-guided laser diodes", RADECS 2005, Cap d'Agde, France September 2005

113. C.V. Atanasiu and I.G. Miron, "A model for resistive wall mode control", EPS30 (P5.157), Rome, Italy, 19-23 June, 2006

114. M.Vlad, F.Spineanu, P. Mantica and EFDA JET contributors, "Ratchet pinch and density peaking in H-mode JET plasmas", 11th EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop, Marseille 2006

115. F.Spineanu, M.Vlad, "The common ground of the density pinch and the transition to high confinement regimes in tokamak", 11th EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop, Marseille 2006

116. F.Spineanu, M.Vlad, "Field theoretical methods in theory of turbulence relaxation", BG-URSI School and Workshop on Waves and Turbulence Phenomena in Space Plasmas, 2006, Kiten, Bulgaria, invited paper

117. M.Vlad, F.Spineanu, "Test particle statistics and turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas", 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, 2006

118. M.Vlad, F.Spineanu, "Nonlinear effects in charged particle transport in turbulent magnetic fields", BG-URSI School and Workshop on Waves and Turbulence Phenomena in Space Plasmas, 2006, Kiten, Bulgaria, invited paper

119. F.Spineanu, M.Vlad, "Helicity fluctuation, generation of link number and effect on resistivity", 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, 2006

120. X. Garbet, G. Steinbrecher, "Noise driven intermittent models of ELM's", Seminar DRFC/GTTM, 5 October, 2006

121. P.G. Burke, V.M.Burke, A. Hibbert, B.M. McLaughlin, C.J.Noble, C.A. Ramsbottom, M.P.Scott, V. Stancalie, "Electron impact excitation of Fe-peak ions of astrophysical interest", presented at The International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data, October 15-19,2006, Meudon, France

122. V. Stancalie, "MQDT/R-Matrix Floquet Method for Dielectronic Recombination", AIP Conference Proceedings, April 7, 2006, vol 827, pp 448-453

123. V. Pais, V. Stancalie, "Development of remote participation enviroment in fusion research", TERENA Networking Conference, 15-18 May 2006, Catania, Italy

124. V. Avrigeanu, M. Avrigeanu, F.L. Roman and R.A. Forrest, OECD/NEA Report EFFDOC-977, EFF/EAF Monitoring Meeting, Paris, 22-24 May, 2006

125. M. Avrigeanu, W. von Oertzen, F.L. Roman and V. Avrigeanu, "On the a-Particle Semi-Microscopic Optical Potential at Low Energies", in Proc. Int.Symp. on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos - IX, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-30 June, 2006 (in press)

126. M. Avrigeanu, R.A. Forrest, F.L. Roman and V. Avrigeanu, in Proc. of PHYSOR-2006 Topical, Meeting on Advances in Nuclear Analysis and Simulation, Vancouver, Sept. 10-14, 2006 (in press)

127. Ion Tiseanu, Martin Simon, Teddy Craciunescu, Bogdan Nicolae Mandache, Volker Heinzel, Erwin Stratmanns, Stanislaw P. Simakov, Dieter Leichtle, "Assessment of the Structural Integrity of a Prototypical Instrumented IFMIF High Flux Test Module Rig by Fully 3D X-Ray icrotomography", presented at the 24th Symposium on Fusion Technology, September 11-15, 2006, Warsaw, Poland

128. M. Avrigeanu, W. von Oertzen, H. Leeb, F.L. Roman and V. Avrigeanu, "Deuteron and a-particle semi-microscopic optical potentials", in Proc. 11th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, 12-16 June 2006, Varenna, Italy (in press)

129. M. Avrigeanu, F.L. Roman and V. Avrigeanu, OECD/NEA Report EFFDOC-978, EFF/EAF Monitoring Meeting, Paris, May. 22-24 2006

130. C. Costin, L. Grigoras and G. Popa, "Multi-channel analyser and perpendicular ion energy distribution in magnetised plasma", 33rd European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 19-23 June 2006, Rome, Italy

131. J. Brotankova, E. Martines, J. Adamek, J. Stockel, G. Popa and C. Costin, "A new-probe based method for measuring the diffusion coefficient in the tokamak edge region", 33rd European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 19-23 June 2006, Rome, Italy

132. R. Schrittwieser, J. Adamek, C. Ionita, J. Stockel, E. Martines, J. Brotankova, C. Costin, G. Popa, G. van Oost and L. van de Peppel, "Direct measurements of the plasma potential by Katsumata-type probes", 33rd European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 19-23 June 2006, Rome, Italy

133. C. Lupu, D. D. Tskhakaya sr., S. Kuhn, D. Tskhakaya jr. and G. Popa, "Floating sheath formation in a collisional magnetised plasma", 33rd European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, 19-23 June 2006, Rome, Italy

134. J. Adamek, J. Stockel, R. Panek, M. Kokan, E. Martines, R. Schrittwieser, C. Ionita, G. Popa, C. Costin, J. Brotankova, G. van Oost and L. van de Peppel, "Simultaneous measurements of the parallel and perpendicular ion temperature by Katsumata and segmented tunnel probe", 9th Workshop on the Electric Fields, Structures and Relaxation in Edge Plasma, 26-27 June 2006, Rome, Italy (oral presentation)

135. J. Brotankova, E. Martines, J. Adamek, J. Stockel, G. Popa, C. Costin, R. Schrittwieser, C. Ionita and G. van Oost, "A probe-based method for measuring the transport coefficient in the tokamak edge region", 9th Workshop on the Electric Fields, Structures and Relaxation in Edge Plasma, 26-27 June 2006, Rome, Italy (oral presentation)

136. D. Sporea, "Irradiation effects on the optical properties of silica and sapphire optical fibers", Topical Meeting on Radiation Effects on Insulators, March 7, 2006, Garching, Germany

137. D. Sporea, A. Sporea, "Comparative study of the irradiation induced degradation in large diameter optical fibers", Conference on "Reliability of Optical Fiber Components, Devices, Systems, and Networks III"- SPIE Symposium on Photonics Europe, April 3 - 6, 2006, Strasbourg, France

138. D. Sporea, A. Sporea, "Dynamics of the radiation induced color centers in optical fibers for plasma diagnostics", 24th Symposium on Fusion Technology, September 11-15, 2006, Warsaw, Poland

139. D. Sporea, A. Sporea, "Radiation effects in sapphire optical fibers", 10th Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials, July 10-14, 2006, Milano, Italy

140. D. Sporea, A. Sporea, Simonpietro Agnello, Laura Nuccio, I. Vata, B. Constantinescu, "Study of the color centers developed in irradiated silica optical fibers", International Conference Micro to Nano-Photonics - ROMOPTO 2006, August 28-31, 2006, Sibiu, Romania

141. D. Sporea, "Laser and optical fiber metrology in Romania", International Symposium on Photonics Technologies for the 7th Framework Program, October 12-14, 2006, Wroclaw, Poland

142. C.P. Lungu, I. Mustata, V. Zaroschi, A.M. Lungu, P. Chiru, A. Anghel, G. Burcea, V. Bailescu, G. Dinuta, F. Din, "Optical emission diagnostic of thermionic vacuum arc plasma during beryllium film formation", Proc. of 33rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 19-23 June, Roma, Italy

143. T. Hirai, H. Maier, M. Rubel, Ph. Mertens, R. Neu, E. Gauthier, J. Likonen, C. Lungu, G. Maddaluno, G.F. Matthews, R. Mitteau, O. Neubauer, G. Piazza, V.Philipps, B. Riccardi, C. Ruset, I. Uytdenhouwen and JET EFDA contributors, "R&D on full tungsten divertor and beryllium wall for JET ITER-like Wall Project", Proc of 24th Symposium on Fusion Technology, 11-15 September 2006, Warsaw, Poland

144. C. Ruset, E. Grigore, H. Maier, R. Neu, X. L, H. Dongc, R. Mitteau, X. Courtois and JET EFDA contributors, "W coatings deposited on CFC tiles by combined magnetron sputtering and ion implantation technique", 11th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany (accepted for publication in Physica Scripta)

145. G. F. Matthews, P.Edwards, T.Hirai, M.Kear, A.Lioure, P.Lomas, A.Loving, C.Lungu, H.Maier, Ph.Mertens, D.Neilson, R.Neu, J.Pamela, V.Philipps, G.Piazza, V.Riccardo, M.Rubel, C.Ruset, E.Villedieu, M.Way, "Overview of the ITER-like Wall Project", 11th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany

146. R.Neu, H. Maier, E. Gauthier, H. Greuner, T. Hirai, Ch. Hopf, J. Likonen, G. Maddaluno, G. F. Matthews, R. Mitteau, V. Philipps, G. Piazza, C. Ruset, JET EFDA contributors, "Investigation of Tungsten Coatings on Graphite and CFC", 11th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications, October 10-12, 2006, Greifswald, Germany

147. R.Mitteau, JM. Missiaen, P. Brustolin, O. Ozer, A. Durocher, C. Ruset, C.P. Lungu, X. Courtois, C. Dominicy, H. Maier, C. Grisolia, G. Piazza, P Chappuis, "Recent developments toward the use of tungsten as armour material in plasma facing components", 24th SOFT, September 11-15, 2006, Warsaw, Poland

148. H. Maier, R. Neu, H. Greuner, Ch. Hopf, G.F. Matthews, G. Piazza, T. Hirai, G. Counsell, X. Courtois, R. Mitteau, E. Gauthier,J. Likonen, G. Maddaluno, V. Philipps, B. Riccardi, C. Ruset, EFDA-JET Team, "Tungsten Coatings for the JET ITER-like Wall Project", 17th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions, May 22-26, 2006, Hefei, China

149. T. Petrisor, B. V. Neamtu, A. Rufoloni, M. C. Rauca, L. Brandusan, "Synthesis of silver free eutectic alloys for Be and Cu99.32Cr0.6Zr0.08 brazing", Matehn '06, 4th International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technologies, Cluj - Napoca, 21 - 23 Septembrie 2006

150. L. Ciontea, T. Ristoiu, R.C. Suciu, T. Petrisor Jr., T. Petrisor, "Epitaxial Growth of Y2O3 on Biaxially textured Ni tapes using a Sol - Gel Process for YBCO Coated Conductors", 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physics Union, Istanbul, to be published by the American Institute of Physics-Conference Series (2007)

151. L. Ciontea, T. Ristoiu, R.C. Suciu, T. Petrisor Jr., T. Petrisor, "Formation Kinetics of Barium Zirconate Obtained by Oxalate Method", 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physics Union, Istanbul, to be published by the American Institute of Physics-Conference Series (2007)




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