# | Project Details |
1. |
Title: Microstructure investigation of new highly elastic elastomers by means of combined methods Romanian leader: Bunoiu M., madalin.bunoiu@rectorat.uvt.ro JINR leader: Balasoiu M., balas@jinr.ru |
2. |
Title: The effect of the particles concentration and of polarizing magnetic field on the thermal and structural properties of the ferofluids Romanian leader: Malaescu I., iosif.malaescu@e-uvt.ro JINR leader: Rogachev A., andrey.v.rogachev@gmail.com |
3. |
Title: Investigation of the particle agglomeration process in ferrofluids subjected to alternating magnetic fields Romanian leader: Marin C., catalin.marin@e-uvt.ro JINR leader: Tyutyunnikov S.I., tsi@sunse.jinr.ru |
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