# | Project Details |
1. |
Title: Nuclear and related analytical techniques used to study works of art: painting, icons and frescoes Romanian leader: Duliu O., o.g.duliu@gmail.com JINR leader: Frontasyeva M.V., marina@nf.jinr.ru |
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Title: Nuclear and related analytical techniques used to study sediments from the Romanian Plane salt lakes Romanian leader: Duliu O., Radulescu C., o.g.duliu@gmail.com JINR leader: Frontasyeva M.V., marina@nf.jinr.ru |
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Title: Monte‐Carlo modelling of photodesintegration processes for ELI‐RO Romanian leader: Gruia I., gruia_ion@yahoo.com JINR leader: Oprea C., coprea2004@hotmail.com |
4. |
Title: Investigations of Fundamental Symmetries in Neutron – Nucleus Interactions and Related Data Romanian leader: Jipa Al., jipa@brahms.fizica.unibuc.ro JINR leader: Oprea Al., ionica@nf.jinr.ru, opreaalexandru492@yahoo.com |
5. |
Title: Dark matter researches for neutron reactions. Invisible axion identification Romanian leader: Lazanu I., ionel.lazanu@gmail.com JINR leader: Oprea C., coprea2004@hotmail.com |
6. |
Title: Research and development of Neptunium fuel nuclear data Romanian leader: Tudora A., anabellatudora@hotmail.com JINR leader: Oprea C., coprea2004@hotmail.com |
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