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JINR FLNP and LIT Deputy Directors vacancies

Investigations of Condensed Matter by Modern Neutron Scattering Methods


# Project Details

Title: Investigation of morphology and structural features of the collagen

Romanian leader: Aranghel D., daranghe@ifin.nipne.ro

JINR leader: Ivankov O., ovankov@jinr.ru


Title: Neutron radiography and tomography investigations of cementitious materials used for encapsulation of radioactive wastes

Romanian leader: Dragolici F., fdrag@nipne.ro

JINR leader: Kichanov S.E., ekich@nf.jinr.ru


Title: The studies of dynamic and kinetic processes in the cement pastas by means of the neutron diffraction and neutron radiography methods

Romanian leader: Dragolici F., adrag@nipne.ro

JINR leader: Savenko B., savenko@nf.jinr.ru


Title: Investigation of cement-graphite matrices using neutron diffraction techniques

Romanian leader: Dragolici C., adrag@nipne.ro

JINR leader: Scheffzuek Ch., christian.scheffzuek@kit.edu


Title: chievement of the complex tribiological coatings with pseudo-ternary composition and their structural and compositional investigation by neutron scattering

Romanian leader: Mateescu Gh., alexandru.mihul@cern.ch

JINR leader: Bodnarchuk V.I., bodnarch@nf.jinr.ru


Title: Neutron scattering experiments and Monte Carlo simulations at the IBR-2 pulsed reactor

Romanian leader: Trache L., livius.trache@nipne.ro

JINR leader: Bodnarchuk V.I., bodnarch@nf.jinr.ru


Title: Neutron diffraction study of externally loaded concrete used for nuclear radioactive waste disposal

Romanian leader: Dragolici F., fdrag@nipne.ro

JINR leader: Lychagina T., lychagina@jinr.ru


Title: SANS and IBA techniques applied to the investigation of glasses containing transition ions

Romanian leader: Pantelica D., pantel@ifin.nipne.ro

JINR leader: Balasoiu M., balasoiumaria@yahoo.com, balas@jinr.ru

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