# | Project Details |
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Title: The correlation of crystal and magnetic structures and functional properties of barium ferrites as new perspective multiferronic materials Romanian leader: Lupu N., nicole@phys-iasi.ro JINR leader: Turchenko V., turchenko@jinr.ru |
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Title: The crystal structure and functional properties of promising metal oxide compounds Sr2-xBaxFeMoO6 for creating new elements of spintronics Romanian leader: Lupu N., nicole@phys-iasi.ro JINR leader: Savenko B., savenko@nf.jinr.ru |
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Title:Properties and structure – obtaining and simulation study for new perovskite cobaltites Programme Romanian leader: Mohorianu S., sergium@phys-iasi.ro JINR leader: Craus M.-L., mihailliviu@yahoo.com, kraus@nf.jinr.ru |
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Title: The influence of some Ce4+,Th4+, Gd3+, Dy3+, Mg2+etc cations on phase composition, structural and mechanical characteristics of Zr1-x(Ce4+,Th4+, Gd3+, Dy3+, Mg2+etc)xO2-d thin layers deposited on austenitic steels Romanian leader:Savin A., asavin@phys-iasi.ro JINR leader: Craus M.-L., mihailliviu@yahoo.com, kraus@nf.jinr.ru |
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