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JINR FLNP and LIT Deputy Directors vacancies

Investigations of Condensed Matter by Modern Neutron Scattering Methods


# Project Details

Title: Influence of iron substitution with other transition metals of perovskites (Ln,Sr)Fe1-xMxO3 (Ln = La, Sm, Nd; M = Cr, Mn, Co) on the structural, magnetic and transport properties and catalytic activity

Romanian leader: Cornei N., ncornei@uaic.ro

JINR leader: Craus M.-L., mihailliviu@yahoo.com, kraus@nf.jinr.ru


Title: Silanized magnetic nanoparticles with potential utilization in environmental applications

Romanian leader: Creanga D.-E., dorina.creanga@gmail.com

JINR leader: Balasoiu M., balas@jinr.ru, balasoiumaria@yahoo.com


Title: New nanocomposite layers and thin films based on graphene and polymers for hybrid solar cells and medical applications

Romanian leader: Creanga D.-E., dorina.creanga@gmail.com

JINR leader: Tropin T.V., ttv@jinr.ru


Title: New resistive switching oxide thin films for non-volatile memory devices

Romanian leader: Doroftei C., docorneliu@yahoo.com

JINR leader: Tropin T.V., ttv@jinr.ru


Title: Tuning templated mesoporous carbon properties in one pot synthesis involving various surfactants

Romanian leader: Ignat M., maria.ignat@uaic.ro

JINR leader: Kyzyma O., kizima@nf.jinr.ru


Title: Rare earth modified ferrite nanoparticles coated with chitosan for improved ion sorption property from polluted waters and their quick separation in external magnetic field

Romanian leader: Ignat M., maria.ignat@uaic.ro

JINR leader: Petrenko V., vip@nf.jinr.ru


Title: Characterization of silver nanoparticles using green synthesis and their effects on environmental microorganisms metabolic activity

Romanian leader: Oprica L., lacramioara.oprica@uaic.ro, iasilacra@yahoo.com

JINR leader: Kuklin A.I., kuklin@nf.jinr.ru


Title: Crystal lattice distortions induced by rare earths in spinel ferrites

Romanian leader: Pui A., aurel@uaic.ro

JINR leader: Craus M.L., mihailliviu@yahoo.com

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