# | Project Details |
1. |
Title: Development and characterisation of magnetic nanosytructured for targeted cancer therapy Romanian leader: Ficai A., anton.ficai@upb.ro JINR leader: Balasoiu M., balas@jinr.ru, balasoiumaria@yahoo.com |
2. |
Title: Determinism and stochasticity in the structure of specific distributions of some magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in various types of matrices Romanian leader: Stan C., cstan@physics.pub.ro, rocstan@physics.pub.ro JINR leader: Balasoiu M., balas@jinr.ru, balasoiumaria@yahoo.com |
3. |
Title: Mesoporous silica doped with magnetite nanoparticles for controlled release rate of biologically active substances Romanian leader: Gudovan D., dragosgudovan@gmail.com JINR leader: Kuklin A.I., kuklin@nf.jinr.ru |
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