Forms of cooperation
Cooperation may include the following forms:
a) communication of general information and knowledge on the fields and thematic areas of the Agreement between IFA and CEA
b) exchange of information, other than those mentioned at point a), regarding specific topics mutually agreed upon
c) exchange of scientists (specialists and experts) through short-term and longer term visits between the cooperating partners
d) access to research infrastructures of other cooperating partners involved in Romanian-French cooperation
e) joint research-development projects and studies, that involve sending proposals of joint projects within the framework of EU and international Programmes
f) bilateral research projects that involve the sending, the selection and the financing process based on Joint Calls organized by the two parties
g) participation of the Romanian research institutes at the CEA research-development programs and vice versa
h) professional training of young researchers and PhD students
i) supply of services by the Romanian research institutes to CEA and vice versa
j) other forms of scientific cooperation that can be agreed upon mutually between Romanian and CEA units.